Vocab Quiz #1

Arid - Dry climate without moisture.

Continental drift - Theory of movement of continental plates.

Desert Ecosystem: An area with low carrying capacity for life.  The few plants grown here have adaptations to form long and massive root systems in order to retain moisture over a long period of dry spells.

Humanoid: Early human skeleton species.

Mega Fauna:  Vertebrates that are generally larger than a rabbit.

Tectonic Forces: Internal energy created inside the earth that shifts continental pates.

Tropical ecosystem:  Lush, moist, forest along rivers that are homes to birds, primates, and crocodiles.

Oasis: A water source found in the desert in the form of a spring or a well.

Semi-arid:  Climate marked by seasonal dry and wet period.

Savanna:  A plain of course grasses and scattered tree growth, often in the tropical and sub-tropical regions where rain fall is seasonal.

Adaptation:  Modified structure and function of plants to survive in various environments.

Climate:  Weather conditions of a region over a period of time.

Region:  A geographic area that shares physical and cultural features.

Mediterranean:  The northern and southern tips of Africa along the sea, where the climate is mild year round.

Nile River:  The longest river in the world that runs form the south to the north in Africa through nine countries.  The Nile River is a precious commodity and is the lifeblood to tens of millions of people.

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